Promoting Management Action for Growth...since 1985
Family Business in India
A National Asset That Needs To Professionalize

What I have aspired to do in my book…
While it is often quoted that “70 to 80 per cent” of the world’s businesses are family-owned, journalists and interviewers of influential media mostly focus on big brand family businesses that are good examples but form just a small percentage of all family businesses in the world. The reasons may be obvious from the media marketing angle, but to me, as an active stakeholder with a mission to ‘Upgrade Governance, Competitiveness and Growth’ of Family Business across the board, there is more excitement in discovering, assisting, and highlighting the “69 to 79 percent” below the tip of the iceberg.
Through my book, for my target audience, and for the younger generation, I attempt to promote a culture of enterprise and achievement, to prevent the safety and security of inherited wealth from suppressing entrepreneurial aspirations and business leadership opportunities.